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Author: Ace Construction & Remodeling

Roof Repair: 12 Clues to Finding Leaks

Roof Repair for Leaks are an Emergency

Roof repair is just as important if not more so than getting a new roof. But the first point we would like to make is if you already have leaks you might want to call your local roofing company. Why? Because we consider any leak to be an emergency. With that said it is always good to have the knowledge of what to look for in terms of leaks and being able to keep an eye on your roof structure.

Why Would I Need Roof Repair?

There are a number of factors that can cause the need for roof repair. Here are just a few.

  • Storms with high winds and/or hail can cause significant damage. If this happens you may need to install a tarp on your roof until your roof repair company can get there. They could be backed up with multiple storm damaged homes.
  • Extreme heat in the summer can cause issues to develop.
  • Debris from trees, or even limbs hitting or scraping the shingles.
  • Critters that reach your roof from the trees, or even across power lines.
  • Continuous neglect of your roof.
  • As your roof ages, more issues arise.
  • And of course, previously unresolved damage.

Cost of Roofing Repairs (do it yourself?)

There are a great many factors involved in the pricing of roof repairs. These include the type of roof, the amount of repair work to be done including the extent of the water damage. As well skylights can add to the cost if they are directly involved in the leak or area of damage.

You may consider trying to repair your roof yourself to save money. But unless you have the expertise of a professional roofer, or it just happens to be a simple and little fix, you definitely want to call your local roofing company. There is just no substitute for their knowledge and craftsmanship when it comes to roofing repairs.

12 Clues to Finding Leaks

Water stains extending  across ceilings, or running down walls is a clear sign of a roof leak.

  1. Note: it is possible to have a water stain in one spot only (especially if that is a low spot on the ceiling. You could have a leak in a corner, valley, or by a chimney, but the water stain on your ceiling is in the middle of your house – not anywhere near the chimney or other items. Water can travel a long way, and it may work itself to the lowest spot in your ceiling before penetrating down through the drywall.).
  2. Often you should look uphill on the roof and to the right or left of the stains for finding potential causes for leaks.
  3. Also if your ceiling has a plastic vapor barrier it may hold water until it runs to another low spot where it can get through.
  4. Look for roof penetrations – water leaks are often found around these items: plumbing, roof vents, chimneys, dormers, or anything else that sticks up from the roof.
  5. Frosty Nails protruding through the roof decking (that missed the framing). In the winter time if you see nails in the attic with frost on them it could mean you have a small leak either at the nail itself, or possibly higher up.
  6. For hard to find leaks some people recommend using a garden hose to test spots. This can be an effective technique but you also could cause a significant amount of damage. Our recommendation is that you call your local roof repair company like Ace Construction & Remodeling.
  7. Inspect for Torn rubber around roof plumbing.
  8. Be aware of cracked housing on plastic roof vents, or broken seams on metal roof vents.
  9. Down near the bottom of the dormers check for missing siding, or rotting siding as this is a great place for water to penetrate and work it’s way below your shingles.
  10. Look for cracked caulk around dormer windows. Again, water can seep through and work it’s way down behind the siding and underneath your shingles.
  11. Watch out for poor flashing. Flashing that is missing, or has pulled away from the surface it was mounted to will certainly cause problems. It might be loose flashing, rusted flashing, or even just flashing that is no longer sealed properly. This is common around chimneys.
  12. Look closely for tiny holes in shingles. These can be easy to miss or you might see them and think that it is not leaking. But it can be a slow deterioration problem and can cause damage for years before you realize what is happening.

Beware of Poor Work on Roof Repairs

It is important to note that you shouldn’t depend on caulking for your repairs of holes and many roof repairs – at least not for the long term. It is common for homeowners to try to fix their own leaks. We see many of them have used regular caulk, or bathroom caulk to seal up holes of joints. It just won’t get the job done and will give you a false sense of security.

It is best to call your local roofing repair company, Ace Construction & Remodeling. Our expert roof repair contractors know what professional means when it comes to quality and a job done the right way!

Buying a Home? Roof Inspectors Will Save You Money

Are you planning on buying a home? Roof inspectors are an important part of the process which we explain in detail going forward. 

Checking a roof when buying a home is probably the best and sound advice we can give you – hence the need for roof inspectors. But we will get to that in a bit. Not only is the roof essential for keeping the elements out, it’s also a significant chunk of the overall value of the home. If the roof isn’t up to scratch, you could end up with a liability on your hands.

After all, buying a home is a huge investment. And you want to protect your investment from the start before you even make the purchase. A roofing problem can be very costly. If you can identify the problem prior to making a purchase you will be in a much better position.

Typical roofs in Indiana cost:  $6000 to $45,000 depending on factors such as the type of roof, size of course, and even the angles and grade. Last thing you want is to get stuck with a home that has a bad roof and you weren’t expecting it.

We recommend hiring roof inspectors prior to purchasing a house. But even before you do that, there are things you can look for yourself.

Has It Been Cared For Properly?

Doing your own personal roof inspection

The first thing to determine when buying a house is whether the current owner cared for the roof. Most owners will look after their roofs in an attempt to preserve the value of their homes. 

Conversely, others don’t put too much effort in maintaining, repairing or replacing their roof. As a buyer, it’s your job to check whether the current owner has done basic roof maintenance tasks. 

Of course if you don’t feel comfortable making these judgements on your own, the professionals at Ace Construction & Remodeling are here to help. They have experienced roof inspectors that know what to look for, even stuff that might be hiding!

Is Roof Ventilation Going To Be A Problem? 

Roof ventilation is important. It helps to keep humidity levels down. A lack of ventilation can wreak havoc because it allows condensation to build up. Condensation, if frequent, can provide a water source for the growth of mold. This might be unknown to you but mold is something that can damage your health.

A poorly ventilated roof can lead to other problems. Excess condensation in the attic leads to soggy insulation which can reduce its effectiveness. Homes with damp insulation do not retain heat as well as they should. As a result, this will increase your energy bills. Replacing insulation is expensive and something you’ll want to avoid.

Knowing and understanding what is appropriate ventilation really is best left to the roof inspectors. But you can surely take a peak in the attic looking for signs of condensation and mold.

How Long Before The Home Will Need A Replacement Roof? 

It may be difficult for you to determine the age of a roof. But where you can it will give you an idea of when you will have to foot the bill for a new roof. Of course, if it looks like it’s already lived it’s full life, then you might want to ask the seller to replace the roof prior to closing.

Roofing inspectors can’t tell you exactly what age the roof is, just by looking at it, but there are clues that give them an indication. You can also ask the seller for their paperwork on the roof. They may still have it and it would tell you the exact age of the roof. Keep in mind though that it doesn’t determine how many years are remaining. Roof inspectors can look at the age and how much it has worn in that time, as well as other factors to give you an idea of the remaining life of the roof.

When looking for a home to purchase, here is what roof inspectors recommend.

Before you make an offer

You can look for signs of problems. These are “clues” that there could be a significant problem. You don’t always know if the problem is current or a past issue that has been fixed. But you can ask the seller about it, or your real estate agent. If they don’t give you a straight answer, or don’t know the answer, it’s best to rely on a roofing inspector.

Here are some things to look for:

  • Are there water stains on the ceilings? If so, there is very likely a leak in the roof. It could be an old leak that was fixed. But if you find this, you will want to hire a roof inspector.
  • Is there fresh ceiling paint? Now this is not necessarily a bad sign. Seller’s often will repaint the inside of a house to give a clean look and help it to sell. But if you notice the walls haven’t been painted but the ceiling has, you may be looking at a cover up of water stains. Also realize that most paints wont cover a water stain. The stain usually bleeds into the paint and is also something to look out for. A special kind of paint is needed to cover the stains.
  • Do you notice curled shingles? Shingles tend to curl, particularly on the ends or corners. This is a natural thing that happens as the life of the roof gets old. It is an easy sign to know a roof replacement is coming due.
  • Are there missing shingles/tiles? If you see this, it is a sign the roof needs immediate attention. Often there is water damage from missing shingles. So if you notice missing shingles don’t assume it just needs a new shingle slapped up there. Roof inspectors are needed to come out and determine the extent of the damage.
  • Are water stains under the roof? If you have easy access, take a look in the attic. If you can see water stains on the deck boards, or running down the rafters take this very seriously. You could be looking at very expensive repairs.
  • Look for water damage fascia boards. You can look for cracks, peeling paint, discoloration all of which could be signs of problems.

After your offer has been accepted

You might be wondering if you really need a separate roof inspector if you are having a general home inspection? The answer is that it depends. It never hurts to be cautious and get it done.

But here are some things you should know. Home inspectors may have some general knowledge and can point out obvious problems (you may see these same problems yourself). But they are not experts when it comes to roofing. In fact, many home inspectors are well aware of this, so when they write their report they may recommend that you get roof inspectors to come do a separate roof inspection.

If the general home inspector recommends roof inspectors be hired, then you definitely should do it! It means they saw something that concerns them and you better get it checked out.

If you are in the Madison County area (Anderson) or Delaware County area (Muncie) call us for professional advice. Our roof inspectors will save you money in the long run.

When you or the roof inspectors find a problem, what are your choices?

  1. Ask seller to repair problem – You can always ask the seller to correct the problem. Just beware, some sellers will do the cheapest job possible, and you have little say in what is done or how it is done. After all, they are paying for it so they get to make the choices. It may lack quality, and may not appear as you would like.
  2. Ask seller for credit at closing – This will allow you to handle the repairs after closing. You never want to do or pay for the repairs prior to closing, just in case for any reason you don’t end up closing on the house. If that happened, you will have paid for repairs on the seller’s house and have no way to get your money back. You can also lower your offer by how much you believe the repairs will cost you. Your real estate agent can help you with this. It is effectively the same end result as the credit at closing. If you choose this route, make sure you have the cash available to do the work. Sometimes buyers only think about the cash needed to get into the house. Then they are unprepared and cannot make the repairs that are needed, even when they get a lower offer accepted. And then deterioration accelerates and things get worse in a hurry.
  3. Leave negotiations alone and accept the house “as-is.” Of course the problem is all yours then. Be sure you have the financial resources needed to handle all repairs.
  4. Rescind your offer, walk away, get your earnest money back.
    • Structural damage to the roof (cracked or deteriorating roof beams) – this can be a serious problem and very costly. And potentially a problem for the mortgage company. They may no longer be willing to extend you a loan on the property. And unless you are a cash buyer, you may need to walk away.
    • Water damages mentioned before – can be fixed, but if it’s serious enough that it causes structural instability, mold, and other problems that are difficult to fix, you may need to walk away from this one.
    • Building code/permit issues – occasionally a roofing job may have been done without obtaining the proper permits (inspections to see if it meets local building codes). This could become your problem when purchasing the house. You could end up having to pay a bunch of fees for county/city building inspectors to issue a permit. But if they find issues that don’t meet code, they could ask you to get them fixed, or even require the work to be redone all over again (roof replacement). And they are not going to give you the permit until you do what they tell you to do. With roof inspectors checking things out, they will be able to determine if there are code violations. If so, then you have to do some more investigating, or a choice to make about whether to walk away.

If the roof inspectors report shows bad things – does that mean I shouldn’t buy the house?

Not necessarily. After all, you probably fell in love with the house, so it may be a great house for you and your family. But on the investment side you need to consider a few more things if you still want the house.

How long do you plan to live in the house?

Do you have the money to immediately make repairs? Will the seller help cover the cost of the repairs, and/or replace the roof entirely?

What additional repairs & upgrades will you need to make in the future, and how much will they cost? For answers to this a professional roofing company can be very helpful.

Whose responsibility is the roof repairs/replacement?

Like other home repairs & upgrades, it really depends on whether it is truly a need, or just a personal preference.

If you don’t like the color of the roof and you see it has about half its life remaining, then the roof doesn’t really NEED to be replaced. Asking for this from the seller in this situation might not get you very far. Perhaps they may split the costs with you.

On the other hand, if there are damaged areas of the roof and the roof is showing its age. Then that roof NEEDS to be replaced and since the seller has lived there during the life of that roof, we think it would be the seller’s responsibility.

But in the end, it’s all negotiable. We suggest you consider the “needs repair versus wanting upgrades” approach to who should be responsible for repairs & roof replacement.

Who pays for the roof inspectors?

Just like the general home inspector, roof inspectors fees are usually the responsibility of the buyer. But it is well worth it for your protection, peace of mind, and considering the size of this investment.

Summer Roofing Maintenance Tips

Summertime is supposed to be for fun outdoor activities. It’s for golfing, family vacations, swimming pools, and yes perhaps even an outdoor house project. But let’s not forget about your roof, needed inspections and regular roofing maintenance. It may not sound like fun, but it’s really not that bad, and definitely a necessity.

What you may not realize is that in the summertime there can be some real challenges to your roof and gutter systems. Higher temperatures certainly age and effect certain materials more than others. And let’s not forget about those summer thunderstorms that produce lots of rain and of course high winds.

Following these summer roofing maintenance tips will allow you to have more “fun in the sun” in the long run. If you aren’t up for it, you can always call your local roofing company, Ace Construction & Remodeling to help you with any of your needs. But even with that, it is still a good idea for you to keep an eye on your roof and gutters and keep your gutters clean.

So, what do we mean by roofing maintenance? Well, it’s really not as bad as you might think. We are suggesting that you tackle minor things, and easy tasks you can do from the ground. The exception would be cleaning gutters but be sure you take every safety precaution when climbing a ladder even if it is just to reach the gutter. Some of these tasks are things you might not have thought of, and other are just looking for warning signs.

Tip #1 Roofing Maintenance: Shingle Inspection

You can inspect your roof by simply walking around the perimeter of your house. What are you looking for? Maintaining a good roof is partly just observing the roof tiles or shingles for problems.

Starting with the most obvious problem is any kind of buildup of debris on your roof. This sometimes happens in the valleys of the roof where leaves and branches and such can accumulate. It is important to remove the buildup, not letting it stay there for long periods of time.

Other things to look for in your roofing maintenance inspection that are easy to identify are the growth of moss of other fungi (funguses). If you see this accumulating on your roof it might be time to call a roofing professional and get their opinion on the next course of action.

And finally, you should be observing the condition of your shingles. If you see shingles with dents in them, or cracked shingles, or even holes in them then it is time to take action. You should also be looking for missing shingles and any sort of shingle lift.

Beyond that, a simple eye inspection looking for anything irregular is helpful. Again, if you don’t feel up to the task, your Ace Construction roofing maintenance experts will handle everything for you. You will be in good hands.

Tip #2 Roofing Maintenance: Flashing Inspection

Flashing (metal) materials are usually used at joints on the roof with an object. Flashing can be found around vents, skylights, around chimneys, and virtually anything that projects out of or on top of the roof.

In addition, valleys where roofing angles come together creating a place for water to accumulate and drain should include flashing. Often you can’t see this flashing from the ground if the shingles overlap each other in the valley. But you can look for a buildup of debris in the valleys and/or deterioration of the shingles in these spots.

Tip #3 Gutter Systems Inspection

It may not seem like gutters would be a part of the roofing maintenance plan, but they are a part of your roofing system. So, maintaining your gutter system is a part of maintaining your roof. In fact, your gutters may require more regular attention than your roof ever will if they are in a place where debris accumulates.

One of the most obvious things to check for in your gutter system is the downspouts directed so that water runs away from the home. And if not, this is a fairly easy fix in most cases.

The rest of the gutter maintenance that has more impact on your roof, preventing damage is most likely done on a ladder. Again, if you don’t feel comfortable climbing ladders to maintain your gutters it is best left to the professionals.

Here’s what you should be looking to identify and fix. Check the angle of the gutters to make sure the water runs toward the downspouts. If the angle isn’t correct, the gutter could be sagging. So then check to see if the gutter is secure to the fascia board. This might require simply pounding in some loose spikes into the fascia board, but there are a variety of ways to secure the gutter that might be a little more work than you bargained for.

Storms can loosen gutters as well as excess water, in particular if the water begins to rot the fascia board, or even roof decking. So, part of your gutter inspection should include looking for rotted wood.

Also, it is important to examine the gutters at the bottom of the valleys. Watch it during a rainstorm and see if water is spilling over the gutter at or near the valley locations. In some cases, a rainwater diverter (gutter guards, splash guards) may need to be installed.

Tip #4 Gutter Cleaning

If gutters are not regularly cleaned water can back up over the edge and cause rotting of fascia boards and roof decking boards. If left unattended, the water damage can even spread to roof rafters. This can significantly increase your repair costs, so it’s best to keep the gutters clean.

Check your gutters for the accumulation of debris. Leaves, twigs, dirt, etc. all build up and can obstruct the flow of water. It is amazing how much can build up and how quickly it happens. Remove the debris regularly.

If you see small plants growing over the top of your gutters, you are long overdue for a cleaning, and you might want to think about getting some regular help!

Testing the gutters after cleaning is the next step. Run some water into your gutters using a garden hose. Run it in various places and observe the water path. Check for leaks and standing water, or even water running over the side. These will be clues that you have more issues to address.

DIY Roof Maintenance and Inspection

Can you do this yourself? You certainly can, especially the gutter cleaning tasks. However, sometimes spotting roof problems is better left to the trained professionals at Ace Construction & Remodeling. This is especially true if someone needs to climb up on your roof to get a closer look at things.

With proper care and attention to your roof and gutters your whole system will last much longer. And if a small issue arises you can call Ace Construction and have them come handle the repairs (roofs, gutters, flashing, skylights, etc.) before they turn into a much bigger and more costly problem later on.

If you need roofing repairs or you want to look into having a new roof installed call the expert roofing company at Ace Construction & Remodeling! We provide the best service to our customers in east-central Indiana.

You can request a quote or give us a call: 765-644-6030.

How Much Does Roof Replacement Cost?

The roof over your house is the barrier between you and the elements. It protects from rain and snow coming down on both you and your possessions – making it one of, if not the most important aspects of a home. This is why it is so essential to address a compromised roof right away. If unattended to, it could lead to severe consequences. If you are in need of a roof work, for either appearance, functionality, or both, you might be wondering about the roof replacement cost for your home.

It is easy to get overwhelmed when considering roof replacement cost. Below we will break down the different types of roofing so you can get an idea of what might work best for you. You might be surprised how affordable getting a new, functional roof can be in the end. And financing options for qualified customers may make the process easier.

New Roof Cost & What Type Is Best for You?

Roofing types can range from simple and affordable to complex and costly. Chances are there will be a style for your exact needs and budget. When your questioning how much does a new roof cost, some of the choices below may help.

However, you need to realize that there can be a wide range of new roof cost when it comes to installation. This is because the slope, pitch, height (2-story versus single story), and size all impact the roof replacement cost. In addition, if you need to tear off an old roof that will raise the cost of a new roof.

Just a point for clarification on terminology. Sometimes you may see shingles priced “per square foot” and other times you see per “square,” i.e. how many “squares” of shingles are needed to cover the roof. Roof surfaces are measured in “squares” and a “square” is equal to 100 square feet. If you know the total square footage of your roof you can divide by 100 to get the number of squares needed. (4,000 sq. ft. ÷ 100 = 40; This means you would need 40 squares to cover the roof.)

Below, we briefly address a few different materials at different price-points. Either way you may be leaning, it is always best to get a professional opinion from roofing pros like Ace Construction & Remodeling.

Asphalt (Composite) Shingles: $3.50 – $5.50 Per Square Foot for Roof Replacement Cost or $350 – $550 per square installed on a standard sized single-story home.

We simply cannot talk about roofing without mentioning asphalt composite shingles. This is currently the most popular roofing type in North America, and easy to see why. For one, it is relatively affordable coming just a bit above the pricing of rolled roofing. It also gives your home more visual flair – giving the appearance of a “homier” household.

This is one of the most common roofing styles and a safe recommendation for those looking for an affordable new roof cost option that looks nice and is functional. You can expect anywhere from 13 to 32 years of use out of this roofing.

Rolled Roofing: $1.50 – $3.50 Per Square Foot

If you want an affordable option for roof replacement cost rolled roofing might be for you. This is an efficient, affordable, and functional style of roof that has become quite popular lately with those looking for exactly this sort of deal for their roofing needs.

Rolled roofing is sometimes thinner than traditional asphalt shingles and is installed in long sheets. Generally, it is best suited for roofs with a low slope and is often applied to sheds, barns, and garages. It has been less popular for homes, but can be done, especially if the home has a low-sloped roof.

Rolled roofing is made up of mineral-impregnated asphalt and you can expect it to last around a decade but depends on a variety of factors. If you need to quickly solve a roof that is in critical condition, it doesn’t get much better for this purpose!

Metal: $7 – $12 Per Square Foot

There are a number of benefits to going for a metal-based roof. For one, a metal-based roof is highly effective as insulation – meaning it is great at keeping both cold and warm air inside, saving you on energy costs. Also, metal roofs are notorious for their longevity – lasting upwards of 75 years! And metal roofs tend to be fire retardant, making them ideal for areas where fires might be a threat.

The new roof cost when using metal materials may be a bit up there compared to the previous two roofs, but the lower energy costs and longevity can make it worth it in the long run.

Metal roofs come in a variety of metal types which effect the total cost of the material. Aluminum provides good protection against corrosion. Galvanized steel tends to be the best when concerned about new roof cost. And there are even stone coated steel shingles and tiles, but these tend to be more expensive.

Some of these choices may be a more visually pleasing alternative to standing metal seam roofing which can be more expensive. However, standing metal seam roofing is great for areas that experience heavy snow because it will slide down quite easily on a well sloped roof.

Wood Shingles: $5 – $10 Per Square Foot

For those that want a visually attractive roofing option, wood shingles are sure to please guests. In addition, it provides great curb appeal for anyone’s first glance at your home. It is important to remember that unlike the previously mentioned roofing options, wood can be a high maintenance option, especially if you live in a damp climate.

With natural wood there are a few things to watch out for, such as termites, rot, and sometimes even woodpeckers peck holes in wood roofs. Wood shingles are natural, and beautiful, but must be bought with the knowledge that you will need to keep an eye on it. And the higher roof replacement cost often is well worth it if you are going for a distinct visual style.

Clay Tiles: $10 – $20 Per Square Foot

If you want a roofing option that is truly “set it and forget it,” then you can’t go wrong with clay tile roofing. We say “set and forget” because the lifespan of this roofing material can quite easily last for over 100 years.

With this option it is best to ask your Ace Construction contractor about the pros and cons. Just a side note: concrete tiles are a possible substitute for clay. They are cheaper, but they may not last as long. Be sure to ask your Ace contractor about all your options.

The new roof cost with clay tiles is a bit up there on the pricing scale, but it is one of the best all-around roofing options for those who want something that looks stunning while lasting seemingly forever!

Synthetic Slate: $9 – $16 Per Square Foot

Natural slate, which can run you a very hefty penny of $30-$75 per square foot, provides the longevity of clay while looking gorgeous. But it is safe to say that the roof replacement cost of natural stone slate is eye-watering for many folks just looking to get the appearance of the material!

Luckily, synthetic slate exists and provides a more affordable option. Synthetic slate is made of a variety of materials and is very convincing when looked at from a normal viewing distance – and if you are worried about functionality, don’t worry, Synthetic slate is durable and can last you upwards of 50 years.

Some of the benefits to synthetic slate depend on the specific type that you choose. Some are lighter than natural stone, some are maintenance free, while some have superior snow protection and perform well in harsh weather. With a little research you can become more informed about the variety of synthetic slate roofing products and which would work best for you.

In general, it is great option all around that blends fashion, functionality, and a price that is largely competitive with wood and clay roofing.

Free Estimates: Roof Replacement Cost

Ace Construction and Remodeling roofing company provides expert contractors that are experienced at helping homeowners choose the right material for their roof replacement cost budget.

For a Free estimate of your new roof cost, simply complete our request form here, or call us at 765-644-6030.

Selecting the Best Contractors for Siding Installation

Siding installation is one of the bigger decisions you can make for your home. It provides a host of benefits such as protection, increased home value, and heat/cold insulation. But finding a contractor that you can trust to do siding installation isn’t always the easiest decision to make. After all, this is an investment for the future and the well-being of your home. With that in mind we will cover what to look for when hiring siding installers.

Siding Installers: Reputation and Quality

First and foremost, a quality siding contractor will have a positive reputation behind them with completed installation of siding projects that have satisfied their client’s needs. You should look up reviews and feedback from people who have used their services to determine if you will be comfortable with them. In addition, established siding installers will not be afraid to share their accomplishments of prior work. Transparency is a sign of a business that knows how to deliver the results that clients expect.

Another good rule of thumb to follow is to be aware of how long the company has existed. The longer that a construction contracting company has been around, the more time they have had to both master and expand their skill set. A siding installation company like this is more than likely passionate about their craft. At the end of the day, this is what separates the quality of service companies provide–if you are not passionate about the services you are offering, it will reflect in the work.

Additionally, a contractor that is proud of their work will offer a warranty to further prove their abilities. Look for guarantees, in the form of a warranty, as it weeds out the contractors that aren’t so confident that their work holds up over the years. And for siding installation or any home construction for the matter, the finished job should last for many years. When it comes down to it, a home remodeling contractor business should want their clients to feel assured that what they are paying for won’t start falling apart.

Working Locally

One mistake that many contractors make is spreading themselves too thin by trying to cover too large of an area. This leads to communication problems due to the large influx of people needing services and asking questions all at once. It also makes it more difficult for a company to provide consistent, quality work. When searching for a contractor for siding installation, it pays off to consider companies within a certain range of your community to ensure they can give you the customer service and quality of work that you deserve.

Other benefits of using local companies is that you are likely to be able to view other projects they have completed in your community. Ask around and have people share their experiences–you will receive honest feedback to help you make a final decision. And in the end, that is what it is all about. The best contractors are able to let previous clients speak for them regarding quality of the service. If you are struggling to find feedback for siding installers, that may be a red flag and indicates that they aren’t confident in their work.

Siding Installers: Working with the Customer

When it comes to home siding, there are many types of siding that you can choose from–each with their own benefits. It is helpful when siding installers offer a wide variety of styles. Finding what looks appropriate for your house and fits within your budget are all part of providing good service. The best siding contractors will discuss options with you to come close to your budget.

Now choosing the right type of siding or an appropriate style may be more difficult. Experienced siding installers may be able to help you with choices and decisions as it relates to the type of house construction you have. And also, you may want to consider the other houses in your neighborhood as that may significantly impact your decision.

For example, let’s say that a client wants siding that resembles wood, but they would rather spend less money and not have to worry about the high maintenance that high-quality wood demands. In this instance, we would recommend fiber cement siding since it is less expensive, can be molded into a wood-like appearance, and is low maintenance. Guiding the client to ensure they are getting exactly what they want is just as important as a finished job that is done correctly.

And one more thing you may not have considered is the option of siding repairs. Sometimes replacing your entire siding is not needed and a repair job will do the trick. Honest siding installers will be knowledgeable and help you make the correct decision. This in turn improves your satisfaction with their service.

Why Choose Ace Construction

All the things discussed above and even more than what you might expect is what you will get with Ace Construction & Remodeling. Serving our local communities in east-central Indiana for over 20 years means we are able to provide the BEST service of siding installation.

In addition, we are confident in our work, and our customers are very happy! Check out our reviews (BBB reviews on our siteGoogle reviews MuncieGoogle reviews Anderson).

Types of Siding for Homes

When choosing external siding for your home, you have a wide variety of options available to you. The many types of siding on the market have their own benefits that will appeal to different people; there are no wrong choices here.

Below we will be going over some of the most popular types of siding. There are 3 main aspects of siding that we will be covering for each of the types being discussed today:

  • Functionality
  • Pricing
  • Maintenance

You may be wondering why we are not using appearance (beauty and/or curb appeal) to evaluate siding types. Certainly, appearance is a major consideration for your siding selection. However, we also know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it seems to be more subjective than we would care to tackle in this blog.

In addition, the style of a house can impact what siding might look best. Indeed, there is more to choosing siding for your home other than what looks best. Let’s start with one of the most popular siding types.

Vinyl – Vinyl siding is quickly overtaking wood as the most popular types of siding for homes. There is a very good reason why vinyl has become widely popular. It checks many of the boxes that most people are looking for in siding including a wide range of colors and styles that even mimic the look of wood.

Vinyl is affordable, easy to install, easy to repair, it is durable, and you do not need to bother with painting it. Vinyl is incredibly practical in that it protects your home while being mostly hands-off in terms of maintaining it. Vinyl siding is made up of individual pieces that are joined together. This means that if one is chipped, all that needs to be done is have that piece replaced.

Vinyl is also easy to clean; dirt, grass, and mud will slide right off with a quick hose down. If you are one who wants “set and forget” types of siding, then this may be the choice for you.

Overall, vinyl is an excellent default choice for choosing a siding material for your home.

Aluminum – This is yet another highly popular option. Like vinyl, aluminum siding is both affordable and functional, but there are differences that bring its own unique benefits.

Aluminum siding is just one of the multiple types of siding made from metal and it is one of the cheaper options while bringing the benefits of metal material. One of the key advantages of metal siding, in general, is the insulation capabilities. Metal keeps warm and cold air inside exceptionally well, saving you money on your energy bills.

In addition, aluminum is durable and is made from recycled materials. You are helping the environment and saving yourself money by choosing to go with aluminum siding for your next installation!

Wood – If you are looking for something stylish, wood siding will give your home a unique character. It is also considered to be the most traditional types of siding for homes. While it may be the naturalistic appearance that resonates with homeowners, it can also be the varied styles to choose from.

Wood siding types include Board and BattenShingles (or Shakes)Clapboards, Vertical Boards, and Logs. Regardless of your style choice, there is almost nothing better than a well-maintained wood siding to complement the rest of a home’s attributes.

Wood siding is eco-friendly, durable, and it can be painted to showcase your desired appearance. One thing to note, however, is that the various wood siding types will require maintenance. Without keeping an eye on things, you may experience rot, termites, or even woodpeckers banging holes into your home. This is just the nature of using 100% real wood. It is very rewarding overall if you don’t mind the moderate maintenance it demands.

It is also worth noting that wood siding isn’t cheap. In fact, it is one of the more expensive types of siding. However, you could consider it as an investment. It is likely the value of your home will be higher overall than if you use vinyl siding. A well-maintained home with wood siding can sometimes command a higher price in the long run, and definitely worth considering.

Fiber Cement – Let’s say you want the appearance of wood siding, but some of the drawbacks just aren’t for you. Luckily, you are covered because fiber cement siding is a perfect substitute. Fiber cement boards are a mix of cement, clay, sand, and wood fibers. It can be molded into a variety of shapes and appearances making it a versatile choice no matter what look you want to achieve.

Fiber cement siding is very durable and will hold up against the natural elements. It is also fire resistant unlike wood siding; taking away that worry if it is on your mind. But unlike wood siding, fiber cement is low maintenance, which means that you may end up spending quite a bit less money on repairs.

One aspect that fiber cement does share with wood is a similar cost. Fiber cement is one of the more expensive options when shopping for siding, but also like wood siding, it can be a worthy investment if you are planning to sell your home in the future.

Brick – One of the most highly desired types of siding materials is Brick. It is unique, provides gorgeous aesthetics, is traditional, extremely durable, low maintenance, and Eco friendly. It has been used by civilization as far back as 7000 BC and is still used heavily to this day. Even after all these years it hasn’t lost its appeal! It’s an option you definitely cannot go wrong with as there isn’t a whole lot wrong with it.

Color options may seem more limited compared to other types of siding, but if you look closely there are many slight variances. Either way what brick provides makes up for it with its unique, head-turning design. Brick is also known to last a lifetime and is resistant to fire and impact from debris.

As for the price. It is the costliest type of siding we have reviewed, but the benefits may end up making the investment worthwhile to you. Generally, people love brick siding for its classic looks and that often translates into an easier sell and increased sales prices.

What Types of Siding Do You Want Installed?

If you need siding repairs or you want to look into having a new type of siding installed call the expert siding contractor at Ace Construction & Remodeling! We provide the best service to our customers in east-central Indiana.

You can request a quote or give us a call: 765-644-6030, 765-282-6030 or 877-644-6030.

Siding Repairs for Damaged Homes

If you are currently experiencing problems or signs of concern on the exterior of your home, you may need to start thinking about siding repairs.

Surely you have heard how important first impressions are and curb appeal for a home. Well, one of the first things noticeable about a home is its exterior siding. Whether it’s brand new or old and damaged — the exterior siding reveals the character of your home. It makes a statement whether you realize it or not. Ace Construction & Remodeling offers siding repairs and siding replacement to keep your home’s exterior in shape.

What Damage Requires Siding Repairs

If you have damage to the outside of your home and are wondering when you should get it repaired — there are important reasons for why you want to take action now! Not replacing damaged siding could result in many expensive repairs later on. It’s always best to be proactive and save yourself lots of headaches going forward. But first, let us discuss the common ways the exterior of a home can be damaged.

Types of Siding Damage

  • Weather Related – Because the exterior of a home is exposed to the elements 24/7, there are different types of damage that can occur. The first and most common is weather induced. Hail and strong winds are one of the prime suspects of weather-related damage to a home. High winds pick up debris that can hurl directly at your house. This debris can include rocks and branches that then chip and dent the siding. You may see cracking, splits, chipping or even holes.
  • Rot or Mold – The next type of damage that is also common is rot and rotting spots. This one mostly relates to wood siding which is susceptible to rotting away when it gets wet and allows fungus to tear away at the structure. You may even be experiencing mold as a result of water damage. Sometimes you may see mold on your interior drywall, but other times you may not know at all.
  • Water Stains – In some cases, you may see problems in only a few areas needing siding repairs instead of replacing the entire siding of the house. Sometimes water stains in a contained area might be a candidate for siding repairs. This could be near a gutter downspout for example. Look for discoloration or streaking on the siding.
  • Insects or Other Pests – Wood is also susceptible to termite damage, or in some cases, woodpeckers and other pests. If you are struggling with this type of damage, the material is able to be replaced with either brand-new wood siding or a different material altogether that will eliminate this problem. Your siding could actually need replacement if pests and rodents find their way and are living between your walls and the siding.
  • Paint – Some siding needs painting for upkeep, not just to stay nice looking, but to keep it from deteriorating. Depending on preparation, the kind of paint and coats your siding may need painting frequently or may last extremely long periods of time. The best thing to do is consult with Ace Construction & Remodeling to have them offer suggestions for your siding repairs and maintenance.
  • Caulk, Seams, and Nails – Depending on the type of siding, it may need caulking at the seams and joints. Over time caulking can shrink and crack and siding boards can warp and shrink causing the caulk to pull apart. Along with this, if you have nails that are popping out, more than likely your siding has experienced some amount of movement. Rusty nails are a sign of possible moisture issues. It is best to get it inspected when you see these things happen as they are early warning signs of problems that could get much worse.
  • Outdoor Activities – Lastly, damage can occur from everyday activities. Pebbles might have been kicked up by a lawnmower or a ball might have hit the home. Some of these things are unavoidable and it’s best just to plan on the occasional siding repairs.

Siding repairs is one of the quickest and most affordable ways to get a new look for your home. The benefits do not stop there, however, as there are other enticing reasons for why you might want to have repairs made.

Reasons to Consider Siding Repairs

While the visual benefits are apparent with new siding, some of the functional benefits may surprise you.

Saving Money with Less Energy – Are you finding that you are having to crank the heat or air conditioning up higher than you feel you should be? Are you experiencing high energy bills? These problems can be due to an issue with insulation when dealing with compromised siding. Repaired siding can get rid of the cracks that have been letting both cold and warm air escape your home saving you money in the long run. And speaking of money, this leads us to the next point.

Higher Property Value – If you are thinking about selling your home in the future, you may want to consider siding repairs. As mentioned before, your home’s siding is one of the first things that is visible and because of this, it affects the overall value of your home. We like to think of it as an investment for later. The initial cost of siding repairs can be recouped up to 75% when it comes time to sell your home. Not only will you be happy with the visual and functional benefits of new siding; your wallet will thank you!

How is Siding Repaired?

Because there are various materials that come into play with discussing siding, there are different techniques for different materials. One of the most common materials, vinyl, simply involves replacing the damaged piece. This is one of the reasons why vinyl is an excellent option — it is also one of the more affordable options. Aluminum and wood siding also work similarly in this fashion. “Solid” materials such as stucco, can be repaired via patching. Whatever siding repairsyou require, we will be able to restore your home to look its best!

What Siding is Best?

If you would like to replace or add exterior siding to your home, there are many options you can choose from. Each will have its own strengths that will work for different people depending on taste and budget. We will do a quick run-through of some of the best siding materials we provide.

  • Vinyl – We can’t talk about siding without mentioning vinyl. It is affordable, relatively durable, and easy to replace. It is an incredibly popular option for providing protection and visual flair to your home. It is also low maintenance; largely being a set it and forget it siding until there is damage created.
  • Engineered Wood – Do you love the appearance of a wooden home, but are concerned with the price, pests, and rot? Engineered wood siding looks like the real, natural thing and is considerably durable and lightweight. It is made using real wood in fact, wood strands and fibers are used to make these composite wood materials. But it is more cost effective than traditional wood siding.
  • Fiber Cement – Another wood-like material. Fiber cement mimics wood in texture and appearance without some of the problems real wood can bring. It is a mixture of wood fibers, sand, and cement.
  • Aluminum – This is an excellent option for those who want good insulation and are tired of dealing with mold. Aluminum is affordable and practical.

For help with decisions about exterior siding repairs or actual siding replacement, we are here to provide the best service to our customers in east-central Indiana. You can request a quote or give us a call: 765-644-6030, 765-282-6030 or 877-644-6030.

Benefits of A Roof Inspection

Everyone should all start thinking of a roofing inspection just like when we need a spring tune up for HVAC, or lawn mowers, or even our cars. The purpose might be to clean up and fix a few things, but more importantly it’s to ensure lasting life of your roof and protection for your home.

We understand that you can take a look at your roof and notice when something is really wrong like missing shingles. However, a roofing inspection goes far beyond just a quick glance at your roof for obvious damage.

If during your roof inspection problems are discovered, then you can make a plan for repair and/or replacement instead of waiting to one day be surprised with much larger problems. Often problems go unnoticed and develop into much larger and costlier issues later on. So, discovering them through roofing inspection services is a proactive approach, giving you peace of mind and a chance to be prepared.

When Should You Get A Roof Inspection?

Obvious times – It probably seems silly to mention these, but we feel sometimes it’s best to be extra clear. If you notice leaks, missing shingles, cracks, bumps, or anything strange, or something has changed like a new stain on your ceiling it is best to get a roof inspection right away. Even if you notice little things like paint peeling on the fascia board below the gutters you should call right away. Almost always, these are signs of underlying bigger problems.

After storms – Its common to see strong storms with heavy drain and high winds in the spring and all summer long. Strong wind, hail, and heavy downpours can cause damage to a roof which should be addressed right away. If you suspect any problems after a storm, the best thing you can do is get a roof inspection.

Additionally, some insurance companies are challenging to work with and unfortunately will try to suggest there is less damage or that it was there previously. A roof inspection can be the proof you need for the insurance company to be held accountable and repair the damage from the storm.

When selling your home/ buying a home – It’s quite common for buyers to have a home inspected during the purchase process, and even some sellers have this done before listing their house for sale. It is important to keep in mind that a home inspector is not the same as a roof inspection.

Home inspectors are not required to get on the roof and walk it. They should go into the attic and look for leaking or any signs of water damage, and other structural issues. But they won’t be on the outside of the roof. Which means it is harder for them to closely check the condition of shingles, backing, holes, cracks, or dents, and chimney/flashing areas. With this in mind, it is best to hire an expert roofing company that provides roofing inspection services.

Annual Inspections – Once your roof reaches a certain age, it might be a good idea to start scheduling annual roof inspections. This is not necessary for a new roof that has been properly installed. But depending on the materials used, it is a good idea later in the life of the roof. Ace Construction & Remodeling expert roofers can give you an idea of when is a good time to start. Routine inspections can reveal problems that may be developing and can be addressed before they cause more damage.

Roofing Inspection Services and What’s Included

Our professional roofing inspection services provide a comprehensive approach to examining your roof. We look for issues in structural stability and support. Weakened structures will be identified by our roof inspectors. Both interior and exterior surfaces are carefully examined for all parts of the roofing system.

Also, the quality of workmanship is reviewed as a good roofing inspector can determine if installation was performed well or not. A poorly installed roof may decrease the effective life of the roof. Similarly, the quality of materials used on your roof may be noted. Combining observations of the roof inspection with the expected life of the materials used can help make an informed decision of whether to repair or replace a roof.

More Specific Details of the Roof Inspection Services

  • Overall condition of the shingles looking for dents, blistering and cracks
  • How well the flashing is attached and sealed (especially around chimneys and skylights)
  • Conditions where water may collect (valleys)
  • Misaligned shingles which can signal an area where they’re loose
  • The state of the fascia and gutters, and drains
  • Streaking or signs of algae on the shingles
  • Attic inspection for leaks, ventilation and insulation

At the conclusion of the inspection you will receive a report detailing the condition of your roof. If problems are found a recommendation for repair or replacement is given. At that point an estimate of the necessary work to be done can be provided along with explanations of benefits, process, and timelines.

Comprehensive Residential & Commercial Roofing Inspections

Ace Construction & Remodeling Roofing Contractor offers comprehensive residential & commercial roofing inspections throughout central and eastern Indiana and the surrounding areas.

When we’ve performed a roofing inspection and you sustain storm damage, we will stand with you if the adjustor doesn’t see the damage as we do!

10 Signs You Need A New Roof

“When do you need a new roof?” is a question we are frequently asked by home and business owners. You may be wondering the same thing and also how long you can wait before you really must replace your roof. Well, just as delaying roof replacement can do a lot of harm costing more money, a brand-new roof can do a lot of good for your property and your pocketbook. How do you know if you need one? Here are signs you need a new roof and what to watch for.

1. How old is your roof?

The first thing to consider is the age of your roof. And then, how long can you expect your roof to last. Now, this can depend on the material used. We see some roofers state on their websites that the average roof lasts 12 to 15 years. But that would be the cheapest asphalt shingles. In our experience a standard roof lasts between 20 and 25 years, and often includes warranties of that length.

Wood shingles, clay or copper tiles are the more long-lasting options. And metal roofs and slate tile roofs can outlast all the rest reaching as much as seventy years to a century.

The longevity of a roof depends on other factors like ventilation, and if the old roof was removed or was it layered upon. Check the age of your house, and if the roof has ever been replaced completely or if there are layers of shingles. If you find this and your roof is over twenty years old, you will likely need a new roof very soon.

2. Are your shingles showing their age?

Holes and/or Cracks – Holes or cracks are a key sign that your roofing has suffered damage and is failing. You can closely inspect your shingles to see if there are cracks. If you find cracks you know it is damaged and the roof is likely way past its expected lifespan.

Not addressing this issue can allow moisture to penetrate below to the wood and cause significant damage that will cost much more to repair than if you had not waited. In addition, cracks are like having an opening in your roof and it allows heat and cold to enter your attic potentially causing more issues as well as increasing utility bills.

Buckling or Curling – Buckled shingles (not lying flat, or a “wrinkle” in your roof) and Curling shingles (edges of shingles curling up or frayed at the edges) happen for a number of reasons and really should be addressed to prevent bigger problems in the long run. It could be a ventilation issue, and it could be exposure to sunlight/heat and moisture, and it might be allowing heat, and cold to seep through the roof.

These are sure signs that you need a new roof. If your roof is not very old and you see this, then call Ace Construction & Remodeling Roofing Company and they can see if you are eligible for any reimbursement.

Missing Shingles – It might seem obvious that if you are missing shingles then there is a problem. But sometimes it’s best to restate the obvious. If your roof is missing shingles it opens the roof up to heat, moisture, and cold issues that will cause more problems.

Now if you just survived a storm with high winds, and your roof isn’t very old, and just a couple shingles were damaged or lost, a repair job is probably appropriate. However, if your roof is getting up there in age or you lost many shingles over a large area this could be a sign you need a new roof.

Losing Shingle Granules – When you are losing granules from your shingles then your roof is showing its age. You can look in your gutters and see the mass of granules building up. If you see bald patches on your shingles, or darker spots, it’s because you’re losing the granules. Also, if you see color changes and inconsistencies, these are potential signs you need a new roof.

3. The valleys are critical!

You don’t want damaged valleys! Roof valleys are one of the more critical areas of your roof. All the rainwater and snow flow to those spots and then down to the gutters. If you see damage in the valleys, either deteriorating or missing shingles, then you may already have leaks in your roof. This issue is time sensitive and is one of the best warning signs you need a new roof.

4. Always check the chimney flashing.

If your flashing appears to be made from tar or roof cement it will fail sooner than later. Eventually it cracks from the sunlight and allows moisture to penetrate at the joint of your roof and the chimney. It is best to place the flashing with metal flashing that is watertight and long-lasting. Generally this is done automatically by quality roofing contractors when they replace your roof.

5. Can you see the light in the attic?

When you go up into the attic you should not see daylight coming through the roof boards. If you do see light through the roof, then there is a serious problem. This definitely is a sign you need a new roof.

Now if you have a new roof then it was either not installed properly or it has some type of defect. But if your roof is older, then there is some other problem.

And if you walk around on the roof and sense a bouncing feeling it is likely a sign of weakness. More than likely moisture has penetrated through the opening to the decking and will at least require repair, but possibly you will need a new roof.

6. Stains and streaks are bad news!

If you notice dark stains on wood, or dark streaks in the attic on the underside of the roof then it is probably leaking, and the moisture is damaging your roof. If those stains and streaks travel down to your walls inside your house your problem is either more severe, or it’s been happening for a while. Also, even signs of excessive mold can be a sign of moisture intrusion issues with your roof. This calls for immediate attention and definitely a sign you need a new roof.

7. Roof sagging doesn’t just look bad.

Your roof shouldn’t sag at all. You can usually see this from standing in the yard. This is very dangerous as there is potential for structural failure. Sometimes this can happen when too many roofs are layered over the top and the weight is just too much for the structure to handle. But often moisture, leaks, and water can make your roof sag. If the wood is soaking up water it will bend easily, become weaker, and eventually rot. A qualified roofing company can inspect your roof safely and let you know what is needed, but almost always this is a sign you need a new roof.

8. Large icicles may be pretty, but not when they damage your roof.

Large icicles that form at your roof’s edge might be a sign of ventilation issues. In the winter without proper ventilation the attic rises in temperature melting the snow on the roof. Of course, this runs down to the gutters and re-freezes creating an ice dam. Over time, the process is repeated, and the ice dam begins to build up. As the ice expands it adds pressure, pulling roofing materials apart and creating gaps for water to penetrate into the roofing structure.

You might not see it as a leak, but in a way, it is because moisture is getting inside. And when that happens you will need a new roof.

9. You keep hearing critters in your attic.

If you are hearing little critters wrestling around in your attic it’s possible they found a whole in your roofing, eaves, or even fascia behind the gutters. It’s also possible they gnawed their way through some wood, but the wood was probably weak from moisture damage. Either way it is best to hire your local roofing contractor to inspect your roof and determine if replacement or repairs are needed.

10. A few additional signs you need a new roof.

  • If you are unsure about any of this but you know your roof is aging, it might be a good idea to pay attention to your neighbors. Most neighborhoods have similar aged homes. So, if you see numerous neighbors replacing their roofs it might be time to call Ace Construction & Remodeling Roofing Company.
  • Watch for rotting and decay on wooden tile roofs. If you see mold build up, broken or missing times, or crumbling tiles these are signs you need a new roof.
  • Also watch for moss growth. If there’s a lot of moss or weeds growing this can be problematic. If it is one small area the remedy may be fairly simple, but if your roof is covered in multiple places it may require something more significant.
  • Beware of poor workmanship. If your roof installation doesn’t look right, either awkward or doesn’t line up well and fit together, your roof may not be in great shape. This can be a sign of poor workmanship.
  • If you happen to notice multiple layers on your roof you may want to get it inspected. This is known as overlaying and may mean you need a roof replacement. While it has been a common practice in the past and in some cases it is still acceptable, you really need a licensed professional roofing contractor to analyze your specific roof and what it can handle. If overlaying was done to hide an existing problem with your previous roof, you almost surely will want to replace the entire roof.
  • Lastly, is your roof literally rotting away? If you find tiles are full of decay and parts of your roof are almost disintegrating, then it’s a massive indication of a problem. Repairs won’t help a rotting roof. It’s definitely a sign you need a new roof.

We recommend you check your roof at least twice a year for these warning signs. If your roof has any of these problems reach out to East Central Indiana’s Best Roofing Contractor – Ace Construction & Remodeling.