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Author: Ace Construction & Remodeling

Start Planning Your Home Remodeling Projects for 2024

As we say goodbye to another year, it’s time to focus on the good things to come—specifically, the future of your home. While a snowy winter and cozy family gatherings could put a pause on your renovation plans, now is actually the opportune time to explore ideas that can blossom in the spring. So, grab a cup of inspiration and let’s start planning your home remodeling projects for 2024.

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Roof Preparation for Winter Months

Roof preparation for winter months is vital. When the summer weather fades away you’re left with the rain and wind of fall. This in turn leads us into the inevitable winter cold snap. In Indiana temperatures can plummet to as low as -10°F. Ultimately, your home or business needs to be ready for harsh conditions.

There are lots of ways to prepare. One way is installing more insulation. Another one is reinforcing your windows, doors and entryways. However, none of it will make a difference if your roof is faulty and in need of repair.

The hot air will escape through the ceiling. The snow and water will come into your attic and cause lasting damage. Leaks lead to dampness, which in turn rots materials and encourages mold to grow.

To be fully prepared, you need to check your roof before the bad weather sets in and turns you into an icicle. Here are our expert tips that make the process quick, easy and hassle-free.

Tips for Roof Preparation for Winter Months

  • Spray It With WaterScaling the height of your home isn’t a job for an amateur. If you want a bird’s eye view of your slates, a roofing contractor with the proper equipment is a must. So, the best option for DIYers is to stay grounded and use their peepers.Spraying the roof with your hose pipe will alert you to any cracks or gaps as the water will seep into the house. As you blast the roof, get somebody to go into the rooms directly underneath and watch for leakages. If there isn’t one, you might not need a repair service.It’s always a savvy move to check if the roof is broken before hiring a professional roofing contractor.
  • Schedule an InspectionOf course, you can’t be sure whether there are flaws by squirting your roof with water. It’s a great tip but it’s only a start. To ensure nothing is wrong with the whole of the roof you should schedule an inspection.With a licensed expert you’ll know if there are any problems or potential issues that winter will exacerbate. Why? It’s because they will walk the entire surface area and look out for the warning signs. Here at Ace Construction, our roofing contractor specialists check for open or loose seams, failed sealants and membranes with holes.There is more to a damaged roof than faulty slates or tiles.
  • Clear the ClutterThe exterior of your home takes a battering all year round. Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize it needs tender loving care. Without it you risk water damage and letting the elements into your home.Branches, leaves and trash gather on roofs and causes lasting damage as they sneak through the cracks. As a result, a twig can puncture a hole in the roof’s insulation or membrane. This will cause it to spring a leak. Don’t take the risk. Immediately clear any clutter that builds up. That goes for the gutters too.Rainwater and water from melting snow need a place to go. If it doesn’t, it will clog your gutters and the weight will force them to snap. When this happens, H2O runs down the side of the roof and the home’s exterior into your kitchen or conservatory.
  • Check Surrounding AreasThis is particularly important for businesses. Commercial premises are often surrounded by other companies or natural blockages that can cause significant problems. Therefore, you should analyze how they might impact your roof. For example, rain can leak in through a neighbor’s roof and make its way into your premises. If you spot a wet patch, ask them if they have a problem and how they are going to fix it.Trees are also worth considering. Overhanging branches collect considerable amounts of snow in the winter and it could land on your roof. For problematic trees, you can either fell them or cut back the branches so they don’t affect your property.
  • Create a PlanThe best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Even if you’ve done all the necessary maintenance and preparation, an unforeseen circumstance can occur at any time. The key is to have a plan to fix it immediately.Here at Ace Construction, we respond to emergencies to ensure you don’t have to live in inhospitable conditions. Our prices are affordable, too, so there’s no need to break the bank.A Tip: Check if the roof is still under warranty. Then the manufacturer will pick up the check. Also, insurance may be on option for roof repairs as well. At Ace Construction we can also work with your insurance agent!

At Ace Construction & Remodeling, we are a roofing contractor that takes your problems seriously. That’s why we’ll help you with everything from roofing issues to siding and guttering installation. 

If you found this post about Roof Preparation for Winter Months beneficial, call 765-644-6030 or email us now at  We’ll help you prepare your roof for the harsh Indiana winter. Alternatively, check out the website and request a free quote on our contact page.

Discover the Benefits of Vinyl Siding for Your Indiana Home

As an Indiana homeowner, you cherish the unique beauty each season brings, from the warmth of summer to the peaceful snowfalls of winter. However, these very conditions can pose challenges for homes lacking proper protection. That’s where vinyl siding steps in as one of the top options for weather protection in the Hoosier State. Let’s explore the benefits of selecting vinyl siding for your Indiana home.

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Seasonal Roofing & Siding Maintenance Tasks to Be Aware of

Imagine your home as a resilient fortress, protected by devoted guardians: your roof and siding. These unsung heroes battle the elements head-on, and they depend on your care. Roof and siding care is crucial to a secure home. In this blog post, we’ll outline some key roofing and siding maintenance tasks you should add to your calendar.

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What Should I Replace First, the Roof or the Siding?

Are you embarking on a home improvement project? You may be faced with the age-old dilemma of not knowing where to begin—with the roof or the siding. This is a common decision that homeowners grapple with when aiming to elevate both the appearance and functionality of their property. At Ace Construction & Remodeling, Inc., we recognize the significance of making well-informed decisions regarding your home. Here are some expert tips from our team that can help you decide whether to replace your roof or siding first.

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Consider A Front Porch Makeover When Renovating Your Home

If you’re already renovating your home, take a moment to consider all the possibilities for enhancing the exterior as well. Expanding or redoing your front porch can give your home a stunning makeover. Whether you want more room to entertain or need to transform your porch into additional living space, we can help you make it happen. ACE Construction & Remodeling, Inc. can handle the nuts and bolts of your home makeover, including siding installation and roof replacements that can make your porch remodel even more appealing. 

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Home Remodeling Projects for an Efficient Home – Roof, Siding, Windows

The best home remodeling projects improve the appearance and value of your home and make it more efficient. A new roof can prevent leaks and make it easier for your HVAC system to cool or warm your home. Energy-efficient siding comes in an array of colors and styles that can increase your property value and protect your house. By investing in multi-pane, low-e windows, you can secure your family’s comfort and keep out pests and allergens. 

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Key Considerations When Choosing a Siding Contractor in Indiana

Whether you’re building a new home or replacing your existing siding, one consideration comes before all others. How will you choose the right siding contractor to ensure a beautiful exterior and long-lasting protection for your home? There are practical concerns, such as price, experience, and product availability. However, you also need a siding contractor that understands the unique needs of Indiana homeowners. 

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Tear Off vs Roofing Over Existing Shingles

Is your old roof in desperate need of a facelift? If you need a new roof, you may want to save as much money as possible without jeopardizing the quality and durability of your home’s new cover. There are two ways to install new shingles, both of which have unique advantages. At ACE Construction & Remodeling, Inc., our pros can help you determine whether tearing off the old shingles or installing new ones over them makes the most sense for your home. If you aren’t sure whether you need a new roof, learn about 10 signs you should replace your roof as soon as possible.

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